Anatomical educational pack for download










As part of our project ” Uncover the secrets of the human body in an anatomical theatre of the 21st century” we have prepared an educational pack for you, thanks to which you will be able to train your brain and consolidate the knowledge about anatomy acquired through our lectures, workshops and website. Already printed educational brochures are safely stowed in our museum, waiting patiently for the university gates to be opened to the public. For now, we provide you with a digitalized version. We wish you a lot of fun!

The folder in pdf format is available for download HERE:

Prepared by: Diana Święcka

Graphics and typesetting: Piotr Berezowski

The project “Uncover the secrets of the human body in an anatomical theater of the 21st century” is co-financed by the “Social Responsibility of Science” programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education

The next stage of the project “Uncover the secrets of the human body in an anatomical theatre of the 21st century” – the purchace of anatomical models



The next stage of the project “Learn the secrets of the human body in the anatomical theater of the 21st century” – the purchase of anatomical models

We are very pleased to announce the implementation of the next stage of our project “Learn the secrets of the human body in the anatomical theater of the 21st century”. As part of the ministerial subsidy, a set of educational models was purchased, which will be widely used in promoting knowledge about the structure of the human body. Our new acquisitions will be available to both students preparing for academic classes and all visitors to the newly established anatomical museum theater. Phantoms will be used during workshops and educational lectures aimed at children, adolescents and adults as well. We are therefore looking forward to the opening – as soon as the epidemiological situation allows – our new educational space, and we encourage all interested students to apply to the Museum of the History of Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw to be able to take advantage of our new acquisitions ( ).


We cordially invite you to see our gallery showing all the phantoms!


The anatomical models were purchased as part of the project ” Uncover the secrets of the human body in an anatomical theater of the 21st century “, co-financed by the program

“Social Responsibility of Science” run by the Minister of Science and Higher Education.


Virtual exhibition “Famous pathologists throughout history”

We cordially invite you to the virtual exhibition entitled: “Famous pathologists throughout history – from the eighteenth to the twentieth century”. On 23  museum boards, we present the profiles of famous pathologists – both Polish and foreign ones, whose achievements significantly contributed to the development of medicine in the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We have dedicated one board to each of them. Some of the people featured here are characters most of us know little about, or have probably never heard of. Therefore, we will briefly look at their achievements, identify their contribution to medical practice and try to show the context of their discoveries. We hope you will like this form of presenting the profiles of people whose discoveries and research have changed both world and Polish medicine forever.

The exhibition design was prepared by the Museum of the History of Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw. The graphic design was prepared by Katarzyna Ośko in cooperation with Piotr Berezowski.


Luminaries and surgeons of polish medicine

We are very pleased to share with you the unusual works of art that our Museum has acquired.

We present you over 100 caricatures of Polish scientists drawn by the famous caricature artist Grzegorz Szumowski, which are part of the publication “Luminaries of Warsaw Medicine in Caricature”, published in 2009 on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of teaching medicine in Warsaw.

Contemporary caricatures refer to the pre-war publication showing Professors and Assistants of the Faculty of Medicine, published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the “Koło Medyków” association.

In the second gallery below you will see caricatures of famous Polish surgeons.



Milestones in the history of anatomy

We are pleased to present you “Milestones in the history of anatomy” – animation that was created as part of the project “Uncover the secrets of the human body in an anatomical theater of the 21st century”. This looped, short movie will be presented in our newly created museum educational space.

The film is full of drastic scenes, dramatic plot twists, but above all, delivers  a solid dose of knowledge about the history of human anatomy.


Jubilee logo – the tenth anniversary of the Museum of the History of Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw

This year we are celebrating the tenth anniversary of our Museum. On this occasion, we would like to share with you a special jubilee logo. The Museum of the History of Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw was established at the initiative of the Rector, prof. Marek Krawczyk. On May 30, 2011, the Senate of the Medical University of Warsaw passed a resolution establishing the Museum, the regulations of which were approved by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. Thank you for all the kind words directed to us and we hope to see you in person soon at the events we will organize in the future.

Exhibition “In the footsteps of Asclepius and Paracelsus”

Since Monday 14th DEC, in front of the Senate Hall on the first floor of the Rector’s building, we are presenting an exhibition entitled “In the footsteps of Asclepius and Paracelsus”. The exhibition was prepared based on of the collections of the Museum of the History of Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw and is intended to show two worlds: medicine and pharmacy. The artefacts on display have been divided according to several thematic groups. In the pharmaceutical part of the exhibition, the first set are pharmacy containers from the first half of the 20th century; corresponding with this are sets of preparations with plant raw materials used in the production of drugs . Another cabinet displays laboratory equipment used in pharmacy. There are also original medical rubber stamps and prescriptions from the interwar period along with a few examples of drugs – for example, Neosalwarsan, which was an effective remedy for syphilis (before penicillin became popular). In the medical section you can find tools and items related to ophthalmology, surgery, laryngology and cardiology, e.g. original glasses from World War II and instrument for measuring blood pressure (sphygmomanometer) from around 1900. The exhibition is supplemented by copies of medical-related paintings – pharmaceutical and two portraits of Asclepius and Paracelsus painted on wooden panels, which are partof a pharmacy cabinet from the beginning of the 20th century.

The authors of the exhibition are Krzysztof Schoeneich and Zuzanna Kamińska.

📷 Krzysztof Gardulski, Photomedical Department of the Medical University of Warsaw

Open lecture: “Viruses and epidemics – a trending topic”

On behalf of the Museum of the History of Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw and the honorable speaker – dr hab. n. med. Tomasz Dzieciatkowski, we are honored to cordially invite you to an open lecture entitled “Viruses and epidemics – a trending topic”. It will be the first in a series of ten lectures carried out as part of the project “Learn the secrets of the human body in the anatomical theater of the 21st century”. Continue reading “Open lecture: “Viruses and epidemics – a trending topic””

Exhibition on the centenary of the establishment of the Polish Dermatological Society and the opening of the Warsaw Dermatological Clinic

The 2020/2021 academic year is a special time for Polish dermatology. A hunderd years ago, the Polish Dermatological Society (PTD) was established and Dermatology Clinic was founded in Warsaw at Koszykowa street. In connection with this centenary, we are currently holding an exhibition presenting the history of these two extremely important institutions for Polish medicine. We present, face to face, the profiles of two prominent Warsaw dermatologists: the outstanding theoretician Franciszek Krzyształowicz – the first Head of the Clinic and Robert Bernhardt – the first President of PTD, Head of the St Lazarus hospital and, above all, an excellent clinician. In the interwar period, they often competed with each other, conducted scientific disputes, thanks to which not only medicine developed and progressed in Poland, but also other outstanding researchers cropped up, including Stefania Jabłońska, who wascontinuing the work of her predecessors. Continue reading “Exhibition on the centenary of the establishment of the Polish Dermatological Society and the opening of the Warsaw Dermatological Clinic”